
Veröffentlichte Bücher

  • Piening, Erk P. (2011): Prozessdynamiken der Implementierung von Innovationen. Eine empirische Analyse dynamischer Fähigkeiten und ihrer Wirkung in KrankenhäusernWiesbaden. Gabler.
    ISBN: 978-3834926265

Referierte Fachzeitschriften

  • Kandel, I.J., Baluch, A.M. & Piening, E.P. (2024): Mate or menace? Exploring organizational identity threats in nonprofit-business partnershipsNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 53(5), 1156-1180.
  • Antons, D., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2023): The Elites-Mutual-Attraction Effect: How Relative Reputation Influences Employee Flows between OrganizationsJournal of Management Studies, accepted for publication.
  • Bendig, D., Wagner, R., Piening, E.P., & Foege, J.N. (2023): Attention to Digital Innovation: Exploring the Impact of a Chief Information Officer in the Top Management TeamMIS Quarterly, 47(4), 1487–1516.
  • Piening, E.P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2022): Rückschläge richtig wegstecken: Eine moderate Anpassung der Strategie erhöht die ErfolgsaussichtenZeitschrift Fuhrung und Organisation, 4, 232-236.
    ISSN: 0722-7485
  • Piening, E. P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2021): Searching for Success—Entrepreneurs’ Responses to Crowdfunding FailureEntrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(3), 626-657.
  • Piening, E.P., Salge, T.-O., Antons, D., & Kreiner, G.E (2020): Standing Together or Falling Apart? Understanding Employees’ Responses to Organizational Identity ThreatsAcademy of Management Review, 45, 2, 325–351.
  • Hütten, A., Antons, D. Breidbach, C., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.-O. (2019): The Impact of Occupational Stereotypes in Human-Centered Service SystemsJournal of Service Management, 30, 1, 132–155.
    DOI: DOI 10.1108/JOSM-12-2016-0324
  • Foege, N., Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2016): Don't Get Caught on the Wrong Foot: A Resource-based Perspective on Imitation Threats in Innovation PartnershipsInternational Journal of Innovation Management, 21, 3, 1–42.
  • Piening, E.P., Salge, T.O., & Schäfer, S. (2016): Innovating Across Boundaries: A Portfolio Perspective on Innovation Partnerships of Multinational CorporationsJournal of World Business, 51, 3, 474–485.
  • Gesing, J., Antons, D., Piening, E.P., Rese, M., & Salge, T.O. (2015): Joining Forces or Going it Alone? On the Interplay between Collaboration Partner Types, Interfirm Governance Modes and Internal R&DJournal of Product Innovation Management, 32, 3, 424–440.
    DOI: 2015
  • Piening, E.P., & Salge, T.O. (2015): Understanding the Antecedents, Contingencies, and Performance Implications of Process Innovation: A Dynamic Capabilities PerspectiveJournal of Product Innovation Management, 32,1, 80–97.
    DOI: DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12225
  • Piening, Erk P.; Baluch, Alina McCandless; Ridder, Hans-Gerd (2014): Mind the intended‐implemented gap: Understanding employees’ perceptions of HRMHuman Resource Management, Vol. 53(4), 545–567.
    DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21605
  • Baluch, A.M., Salge, T.O., & Piening, E.P. (2013): Untangling the Relationship Between HRM and Hospital Performance: The Mediating Role of Attitudinal and Behavioural HR OutcomesInternational Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(16), 3038 –3061.
  • Piening, E.P. (2013): Dynamic Capabilities in Public Organizations: A Literature Review and Research AgendaPublic Management Review, 15(2), 209–245.
  • Piening, E.P., Baluch. A.M., & Salge, T.O. (2013): The Relationship between Employees’ Perceptions of Human Resource Systems and Organizational Performance: Examining Mediating Mechanisms and Temporal DynamicsJournal of Applied Psychology, 98(6), 926–947.
  • Ridder, Hans-Gerd; Baluch, Alina McCandless; Piening, Erk P. (2012): The whole is more than the sum of its parts? How HRM is configured in nonprofit organizations and why it mattersHuman Resource Management Review, Vol. 22(1), 1-14.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2011.11.001
  • Ridder, Hans-Gerd; Piening, Erk P.; Baluch, Alina McCandless (2012): The Third Way Reconfigured: How and Why Nonprofit Organizations are Shifting their Human Resource ManagementVOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol. 23, 3, 605-635.
    DOI: 10.1007/s11266-011-9219-z
  • Piening, Erk P. (2011): Insights into the process dynamics of innovation implementation: The case of public hospitals in GermanyPublic Management Review, Vol. 13(1), 127-157.
    DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2010.501615

Referierte Herausgeber- oder Konferenzbände

  • Boevers, J.; Zentgraf, A.; Hoon, C; Piening, E.P. (2023): Facing the Rebel: Identity Work of Nonfamily Leaders after a Leadership Succession in Family FirmsBest Paper Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Kandel, I.J., Baluch, A.M., & Piening, E.P. (2021): Bad Company? Exploring Cross-Sector Partnerships as Potential Threats to Nonprofit Identity81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 29. July-04 August.
  • Salge, T.O., Piening, E.P., & Foege, N. (2013): Exploring the Dark Side of Innovation Collaboration: A Resource-Based PerspectiveBest Paper Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Management. Orlando 2013, No 1.
    DOI: DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2013.97
  • Piening, Erk P.; Baluch, Alina McCandless; Salge, Torsten Oliver (2012): Linking Employees’ HR System Perceptions, HR Outcomes and Performance: A Longitudinal StudyBest Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management. Boston 2012, No 1.
    DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2012.20
  • Ridder, Hans-Gerd; McCandless, Alina; Piening, Erk P. (2011): The whole is more than the sum of its parts? How HRM is configured in nonprofit organizations and why it mattersBest Paper Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Management. San Antonio 2011, No 1.
    DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2011.65869649